Nabeela Huda

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Photography. Oh why!

Today I am taking the time to write to you a little about my profession. 

I've almost memorised the following sentences:

"I am Nabeela Huda, and I am a freelance Fashion and Portrait Photographer who has been blessed in working with so many talented music artists and fashion designers from around the city."

As true as that is, and almost a ritualistic email opener, I am also lucky to be doing what I love doing, and best of all, supporting myself doing it! True, I just started focusing, and true, I may not know what I am talking about yet; but I feel positively about my passion.

A lot of people who want to know what I do, tend to ask me in a not-fully convinced manner why I want to continue being a photographer. Why do they ask? Maybe because in the UAE we are well familiar with the local print shops and our tropical backgrounds in the Kodak moments! 

I want to be different. I want to take you through an experience of self-endearment and self-fulfilment. I want to bring fashion into your lifestyle; not because you may not know what looks good on you or which side 'could not' be your best side, but because I don't trust the distorted perception of beauty media has created today. I want you to feel beautiful no matter what. I sound like I am campaigning for Dove, but you get what I mean!

I also think in general, we as photographers (and other makers), are very lucky to be able to be creative for a living and not be dreadfully worried about making mistakes (because you know... art is abstract) (LOL I KID!) By doing what we do, we make a difference. We make people feel warmer and more confident about being who they are. We are also in full control of contributing to the needier in our community through our artistic capabilities, and have the power to also empower them!

I love what I do. I hope you do too. 

PS: This cute little thing is my friend's niece, Mimi, who I recently shot in the Corniche beach, and I am 98% certain she is doing what she loves :)